The Creative Doer – A Brave Woman’s Guide from Dreaming to Doing

Essential reading for feminist creators, activists and magicmakers

The Creative Doer book offers a roadmap for women who are hungry for change, who wants to GET GOING going with their heart’s work, and who are willing to ask a few burning questions:

What would happen if we stopped trying to follow in the footsteps of the Male Genius? What does devotion look like if it doesn’t mean forsaking everything and everyone, including your kids, for your work? What if we granted ourselves the permission we’re waiting for and started doing our work, our way?

In this insightful, no-bullshit guide you’ll learn how to:


  • Claim the time and space you need to do your work.
  • Understand fear and how to roll with it.
  • Learn how to fuel yourself and your work in a way that will change your life forever.
  • Untangle yourself from the patriarchal fuckery that’s been keeping you small.
  • Share your work, unapologetically

“This is the most insightful and helpful book on the creative life I have ever read. I have used several of the well-known books on creativity, like The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert and The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp, and while each one of these has been useful, none of them has spoken so directly to me as a writer, woman and mother as Anna Lovind’s book have.”

Eirin Holberg

To get you own printed copy, check out your favourite online bookstore (or ask your library!)


“I can’t put it down! I’m devouring every word like a starving woman. It’s a true companion and a fierce, yet gentle champion for women. If only I could have read this as a young woman. As a feminist, a survivor of violence, and an unconfident creator, this book means the world to me.”

Antoinette MacKenzie

Who is this book for?

It’s for the woman with a story to tell, art to make, a world to change. It’s for the woman who has a longing in her heart; who knows she has something to offer – even if she doesn’t know how yet, or even exactly what it is. It’s for the woman who longs to use her voice, who wants (and fears) to unleash her particular brand of brilliance, who wants to have an impact, who craves to go deeper and further with her work, and who is willing to explore a different way to go about it.

Who is it NOT for?

If you prefer things to remain as they are, if you’re looking for quick-fixes, or if you find feminists kinda troublesome, then no, this book is probably not for you. (Although, who knows, you might be surprised!)

Why a book for women only?

Because I want to talk about the creative path from a female point of view (for once!). I want to take into account all the specific circumstances and challenges we face; not just because we are artists, but because we are women artists, living and working in a patriarchal world.

Is it available as a printed book?

Yes. If you want a printed copy, you can visit any of the major online booksellers, such as Barnes & Nobles, Amazon, Waterstones, or ask your independent bookshop to order it for you.




Your path is your own
Pain pushes until vision pulls
How do you want it?
Redefine creative work
Why do we value one and not the other?
Let go of the One Big Purpose
Start before you’re ready
Make a choice



Actually, there is time
Time thieves
Say no (if you can)
Who assigned you that role?
Taking it one step further
All the time you want vs. all the time you need
Keep it real



Commit to the reality of your dream
Make it doable
Plan for the unexpected
Perfect timing
The power of creative habits
Help yourself focus



What is fear?
A losing battle

Inhabiting your body
One step at a time
The shitty first draft
Get back into the playground
Who’s in charge?



Keeping it close to home
Pleasure first
Creating a sense of safety
Move, sleep, flow, connect
No more striving
Striving is a state of mind
Practice receiving
Go find it
The cyclic nature of creativity
It’s mandatory



Love the empty space
Is it useful?
Claim our space
The risks of NOT sharing your work
Fitting in vs. belonging
Give yourself permission
Appreciate what you’ve already got
True connection
Keep it coming



Money is fuel
Women will save the world
The three paths
The second job
The patron
The business
The embarrassing lover
Roots first, growth second
Stop fussing

“Masterfully written. It is encouraging, sensitive, and also packs a punch and leaves you with zero excuses for not fulfilling your creative ambitions and dreams. This is a wonderful addition to any writer’s tool belt ( alongside Natalie Goldberg, Julia Cameron, and Brenda Uleand to name a few). A must read for any creative woman.”
Corinne Cunningham

“It’s one of the best books I’ve ever read.”
Mary Lynn Futers

“What I appreciate is the permission to be a mother, a worker, and a human in the world who can’t devote all of her time to “being an artist.” Yes, what fucking (mostly male) privilege. And I think the fact that I’ve not engaged in any real or focused way with my work over the years is because I felt like it “wasn’t worth it” since I couldn’t “be all in” in ways that have been defined *for* me. Thank you for another definition of what devotion to one’s art can mean.”
Shawna Jackson

“I could feel the women from centuries past and I felt stronger just by reading about them and more determined to do my creative work. It also helped me understand what we are and have been up against. This book is both comforting and a kick in the ass. It’s inspiring and infuriating. It’s everything we need right now to move forward and do the creative work we need to do. I love this book!”
Jeanette Encinias

“I read it cover to cover in the bath in one sitting! What a beautiful and deeply important book. The timing feels perfect, considering where we are at in the world right now. Women all over the world will be inspired and taking action as a result.”
Michelle McCartan

“This is an important book, filling a gap in the discussion of artistic and creative life, looking at the process from the feminine perspective with all that it entails.”
Isa Khalwati

“Clever, conscious, and powerful. The knowledge you share in this book confirmed what I was already sensing and feeling, but that I had not voiced or thought about consciously. It gave me a solid foundation that I can come back to, whenever needed. Thank you!”
Genevieve Bellefleur

“It’s so refreshing to read something written for women with such love, compassion and inspiration. It’s a fantastic and delicious read, thank you for giving this gift to us! I’ll be reading it again as soon as I’m finished!”
Anna Day

“This is a gem! Personal stories, stories of the author’s clients and actionable advice that you can actually follow through with. I gifted several copies to writers I know, and I highly recommend reading it if you write or create too.”

About the author

Anna Lovind is a mother, writer, artist and activist who believes in women’s creative freedom and the power of our voices and stories.

Anna left a career as an editor at a major publishing house, moved to the countryside and set out to build a business that supports her own and other women’s pursuit of a meaningful and sustainable creative life.

Since then, she has coached bestselling authors, helped launch solo entrepreneurs into orbit, and guided creatives from all over the world to go from dreaming to doing through her courses and workshops. In 2016, she co-founded Write Your Self, a writing teacher training with a mission to spread knowledge about how to use writing as a tool for healing. Now she’s publishing The Creative Doer as a rallying cry for women to start CREATING. Because creative women will change the world.

Anna lives in the deep forests of Dalarna, Sweden, with her two kids, three cats and a dog.