Creativity requires space. Empty space. It requires time and focus. It demands I make active choices. It depends on me sharpening my ability to say no. Because I have to say no, more often than I’d like.

I have to exclude a lot, in order to include what I truly want.

I don’t stop at clearing my calendar. I clear my house, my fridge, my mind, my Facebook account. Only that which truly supports and nourishes me can stay.

I filter information. Maybe we don’t have to watch the news everyday (several times a day). Maybe we don’t need to check our inboxes or scroll the social media feed quite as often, or answer every text message the moment we get it.

Maybe it’s actually impossible to be truly creative as long as we stay distracted like that. I believe so.

I’m not going to yearn for the olden days when letters were written by hand, and train rides were spent contemplating (well, maybe I’ll yearn a little), but I do want to claim ownership of my time and attention. I notice how my life shapes itself around whatever I focus my attention on. There is great power in that, if used consciously and with discernment.

I create space, inside and around me. I leave my thought processes undisturbed for longer periods of time. I let silence give birth to its insights, and deep focus to work its magic.
Then, I marvel at the results.


As Seen On