December 21 is the darkest day of the year. Few of us modern peeps even notice it, except maybe to draw a sigh of relief that the light will begin to return now. Even fewer actually celebrate the winter soltice. But the older I get, the more meaningful it feels to do so. The more
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Imagine if your body was your business, and yours alone. Imagine if you felt safe to desire. Not just dream, not just hope, No: DESIRE. Hunger and crave, Like some WILD THING. Imagine never having felt those unwanted hands touching, groping, grabbing your body, on the subway, on the dance floor, in the classroom.
There was a neo-Nazi march in Sweden last week. The same day I had watched a documentary on Auschwitz with my eldest, crying my eyes out to stories of children torn from mothers and sent to their deaths in the gas chambers. A few days after I met an old lady in the forest and
Coming back from a social media break, it seems to me that half my feed is made up of quote cards, inspirational prompts and generic posts from life coaches on a mission. Some of what is being shared is really good, the light-packed words of some brilliant soul quoted back to us from eternity.
What if the thought that you have to be anything other than what you are would never occur to you again? What if the need to prove or even explain yourself simply wasn’t there anymore? If you never adjusted your opinions or choices or looks in order to get their approval. If you couldn’t
I want to share some powerful reading with you today, books that have mattered a lot to me this past year. They’ve nurtured my creativity in different ways, and they’ve also nourished me as a woman. I’ve needed that. Because honestly, things are rough in the world right now. You’ve seen the news, there’s
A ray of morning sunlight caught my eye. It fell through the window, soft as a whisper, and lit the geraniums on the windowsill from behind in a way that made the leaves look almost transparent, the colour of the petals glowing a deep velvety red. You know that moment, when it pierces you,
I’m tired. And I’m tired of saying I’m tired. But when I try to explain my situation right now those are the words I have. I’m so so tired. This last year has unravelled me. Exhausted me, to the point of breakdown. And not because I’ve been mindlessly slogging away, not because I’m unaware
- In search of a simpler life
- Why I ditched a beautiful career
- Live it before you preach it
- Why I write about sexual violence on a blog about creativity
- If you need permission to rest
- Confessions of an unprofitable human being
- How to burn a little brighter. Or, the end of a favourite myth
- The power of words – a letter from the Psych Ward