1. What do you want less of in your life? 2. What do you avoid by staying busy? 3. Where in life do you hold back? 4. Is your life sustainable? If things would stay like this forever, would you be ok with that? If not, what needs to change?
1. What do you want less of in your life? 2. What do you avoid by staying busy? 3. Where in life do you hold back? 4. Is your life sustainable? If things would stay like this forever, would you be ok with that? If not, what needs to change?
Is this what my life is going to be like? Is this really how I wanted it to be? Maybe it’s not the first time you’ve questioned your choices in life, but something is different this time. Maybe you’ve come to the conclusion that you’re on the wrong track. Maybe you’ve even gotten off
I’m in the process of letting go of my home right now. Our beloved old cottage has turned out to be too much work and too expensive to maintain for us to live here comfortably. And – what really sealed the deal – our girls have developed health issues directly related to the mould we
I wrote a great article the other day, poking another hole in the myth about us not having time to create and pursue our dreams. I write about this particular topic over and over again, because I know this is one of your issues too. It’s the number one reason people give for not going
I was raped as a child. I was raped by my grandfather and later by another man close to our family. This is the first time I write these words publically. I’ve written about being sexually abused before, but I’ve never written “by him and by him” and it still feels like breaking the rules
I’m a highly introverted woman. Not shy, not afraid to meet new people or speak publically when it’s called for, but my need for time alone is massive. I revel in solitude, in silence, in the slow and the moment to moment appreciation of beauty around me. I’m a thinker, a dreamer, a watcher,
“When everything on your to-do list is equally important how do you devote your attention to just one thing so that you can make real head way in that area? And how do you calm your body, mind and soul as you neglect or put on hold equally important aspects of your life?” Alicia asks.
My sister is the most conscientious, trustworthy worker there is. She’s your dream employee. Always on time, always pro-active, always kind and service minded. But when it comes to doing her own thing, making her own creative and entrepreneurial dreams happen, she procrastinates with the best of them. It drives her crazy, and it