Imagine if your body was your business, and yours alone. Imagine if you felt safe to desire. Not just dream, not just hope, No: DESIRE. Hunger and crave, Like some WILD THING. Imagine never having felt those unwanted hands touching, groping, grabbing your body, on the subway, on the dance floor, in the classroom.

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  Coming back from a social media break, it seems to me that half my feed is made up of quote cards, inspirational prompts and generic posts from life coaches on a mission. Some of what is being shared is really good, the light-packed words of some brilliant soul quoted back to us from eternity.

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  A ray of morning sunlight caught my eye. It fell through the window, soft as a whisper, and lit the geraniums on the windowsill from behind in a way that made the leaves look almost transparent, the colour of the petals glowing a deep velvety red. You know that moment, when it pierces you,

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  I’m tired. And I’m tired of saying I’m tired. But when I try to explain my situation right now those are the words I have. I’m so so tired. This last year has unravelled me. Exhausted me, to the point of breakdown. And not because I’ve been mindlessly slogging away, not because I’m unaware

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As Seen On